What weeks will Camp Exemplar take place in summer of 2024?
First week of Camp is June 3rd thru the 7th, and the last week is August 12-16. During the first week of July we will be closed Thursday, July 4th, in observance of Independence Day. -
Who can attend camp?
Camp Exemplar is for children who are going into 5K-7th grade (Fall of 2024). Those going into 5k MUST be 5 years old before June 3rd, or by the start of whichever week they attend camp. -
Will we get to meet camp staff before camp begins?
All campers and their parents are encouraged to attend an orientation meeting for this year's camp on Tuesday, May 28th, at 6:15pm in the sanctuary of Town Creek Baptist. During this meeting you will get the opportunity to meet this year's staff, as well as, get all the introductory information not listed on our site, and ask any remaining questions you might have. We will have a notary on hand to help with forms, you can pick up your campers t-shirt, pay any fees that are not taken care of yet, and will receive final instructions to be ready for the first week of camp! -
What is the weekly cost of Camp Exemplar?
$140 per week for the first child, $125 per week for each additional child. This cost includes 10 hours of supervised camp each day, field trips, themed activities, Friday lunch, and morning and afternoon snacks. You are welcome to pay for camp a week at a time, but you can also pay for multiple weeks at a time up to the whole summer! -
When is payment due for camp?
Payment for your camper will be due by the end of Thursday BEFORE the next week of camp. Payment ahead of the scheduled week allows administration to make sure they have supplies and activities purchased before the week of camp begins. Failure to pay on time could prevent your child from being able to attend camp for that week. Information about payment can be found here. -
Is there a registration fee?
The one-time registration fee per child is $90.00 before May 1st 2024, and after May 1st is $115 (family max fee of $190.00). Again, you will only pay this fee once per camper for the current summer! This registration fee insures a spot for your camper, covers processing fees, the required camp t-shirt, and other materials needed for each individual camper. -
What forms will be needed before camp begins?
For new and RETURNING campers: You will need to have the following filled out and turned into camp administration before your camper can come to camp:-
Camp Registration (online here)
Medical Release and Permission Form
Copy of Insurance Card
Signed Code of Conduct
Authorization for those who may pick-up your camper
What time does camp run?
The doors will open each morning at 7:30am and campers are to check in upon arrival with an Exemplar Guide at the main check-in station. Campers will need to be picked up and checked out, no later than 5:30pm. There will be an additional charge for those picked up late. These are the hours we are open for you to use our care. These are not required hours for a camper to be at camp. -
Will there be activities that are off Town Creek's main campus?
We try to stay on campus, or have activities brought to campus throughout the summer. However, if we do plan the occasional field trips off campus it will be on a Tuesday or Thursday. Should weather become a problem, we will reschedule as best we can! On these days, your camper(s) will be required to show up in their camp t-shirt and sneakers (or sandals for water activities). Be reminded that these activities are subject to change for different reasons. The best way to keep up with information concerning our camp schedule and info is to check our private Facebook Group for parents. We will post announcements and reminders in the lobby where you drop off and pick up. -
What should campers wear for camp?
As mentioned above, there is a specific dress code for field trip and water days. All other days they may wear clothing of their choice that does not break the code of conduct. We suggest that each camper have a change of clothes with them each day should they need to make a change for any reason! On days where campers will be swimming or getting wet they will need to bring a towel and a plastic bag for wet clothes. -
Will my camper be required to participate while at camp?
Campers will be expected to participate in all scheduled camp activities unless exempt because of any health or parental restriction. Should they need to be exempt from activities for a day, parents will need to let administration know upon drop-off. You, the parent, have paid for your camper to participate in the week and we want to make sure that happens! -
Can my camper have their electronic devices at camp?
We know there will be instances where campers may need to bring them so we ask the following: Cell phones, iPads, and tablets will be shut off and stored in their bags during camp hours. If they are found to be using devices, the device will be taken up by their Exemplar Staffer and kept with administration until the camper is picked up. If this happens multiple times, the camper will be asked to leave it permanently with a parent/guardian at home. If a parent needs to get in touch with a child during camp hours they can contact the main church number at (803) 649-9792.
Each day:
Rotating through different weekly themed activities, as well as some down time to regroup and recoup! These activities include crafts, scavenger hunts, group
games, etc.
Outdoor/Indoor physical activities that will get kids moving and learning to work as teams,
or on their own.
Daily time of bible study/devotion with their small groups. Chapel time each week will focus on the theme for the week and how we can become more like Jesus!
Monday-Thursday, lunch will be a bag lunch brought from home. On Friday, a lunch will be brought in from restaurants. Options include tacos, chicken tenders, pizza, etc. This info will be given to parents on Monday.